Mai Ishiwata

Mai Ishiwata studied at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris. She worked with Les Passagers, a vertical dance company. She collaborates with Claire Durand-Drouhin – cie Traction, in several projects, some of which involve her alongside residents of the psychiatric hospital in Limoges.

Since 2014, she works with Cécile Loyer’s company for the creation of Une pièce manquante, Histoires Vraies, T.A.C., Kartographie(s), Villes de papier, Frappez fort. Comme pour réveiller les morts… With the company Kashyl – Ashley Chen, she has been a performer since 2018 in Unisson, Distances, and We came to live in this world.

At the same time, Mai met Butoh through Ko Murobushi and Carlotta Ikeda who directed the Ariadone company, which she joined in 2010. She dances Utt, a solo originally choreographed by Ko Murobushi for Carlotta Ikeda. She participated in a creation with the Medulla company- Naomi Mutoh and Laurent Paris, in Le Grand luminaire.
She dances in Horizon by Philippe Ménard – cie pm, Paysages Entrouverts / Paisaia Sumatuak with Johanna Etcheverry and Mizel Théret – cie Traversée, Puzzling by Blanca Arrieta, Aux Corps Passants and Sunnyboom by Gilles Baron – cie Origami, Knit by Marine Mane, -p/\rc- by Eric Minh Cuong Castaing – cie Shonen, and participates in several editions of the 20 dancers for the XXth century by Boris Charmatz.

She prepares an opera – Armide – with the director Lilo Baur and she develops her transmission tools through the EXTENSIONSSOUND BODIES and SOUND BODIES FOR KIDS.