Gérald Kurdian / HOT BODIES

Musicianxx and composerxx

Gérald Kurdian aka HOT BODIES, musicianxx, performer and DJ, studied visual arts at ENSAPC before joining the Ex.e.r.ce 07 program under the direction of Mathilde Monnier and Xavier Le Roy. Since then, their oblique concerts have been regularly presented in the fields of live performance, visual arts and independent music.

Since 2017, they have been developing HOT BODIES OF THE FUTURE! a cycle of performative and musical research on queer micro-politics and alternative forms of sexuality. Winner of the Paris Price Jeunes Talents 09 and spotted by Grand Zebrock and FAIR 2010, their album This is the hello monster! was selected as one of Libération’s best albums of the year.

In 2016, they released the album Icosaèdre, in collaboration with electronic musician Chapelier Fou. In 2020, under the name Tarek X, they released a club EP with producer Apollo Noir, I -V, and in 2022, a remix EP with Cate Hortl, Calling Marian, Dat Politics, Panteros666 & Katu. Since 2020, they’ve been one of the artist-researchers at the Cooperative de Recherche de l’École Supérieure d’Arts de Clermont-Metropole.

Their latest creations – X! was presented at the Festival d’Automne in Paris, at the Kaaitheater in November 2022 and Hot Bodies_Télévision was presented at the Days4Ideas festival in Brussels – are currently on tour. They prepared a new EP : “The Transition Pieces”. In 2024, they joined Corps Magnetiques to create the BAL MAGNETIQUE.
